POSTED ON: Saturday, August 27, 2011 @ Saturday, August 27, 2011 | 0 comments
heyy, :)
nk minx maap la if ade wt sala.
doakn trial sye :).wuu
k babai...
p/s: this raya,mls feel -____________-
POSTED ON: Friday, August 26, 2011 @ Friday, August 26, 2011 | 0 comments
heyy, na ckp 1 ayt jee..
DEDICATE lgu blog.
tok cpe2 jeee.
p/s: ade lagy owg bodo cm ny lam dunie kn ??
POSTED ON: Sunday, August 21, 2011 @ Sunday, August 21, 2011 | 0 comments
dear YOU,
im regret for what i've DONE to YOU.
im really sorry :(
i do have heart that can felt bad.
im NOT that kind of HEARTless one.
even i tried to be one.i COUDN'T.
i realise that the most stupid things that i ever done.
do give me a chance.
i know it hard,but...just for this one
PLEASE..i begging for your forgiveness.
it realy meaningful to me :(
im telling you this.
it not just because im close to SPM.
not because the eid is around the conner.
it not for an empty forgiveness.
it is truth form my heart :(
no more PAIN and no HEARTBREAK
no more CRYING
i've lose to hurt you more.
im really sorry
p/s; im not i told you before.
it is priceless
KANAK KANAK remaja :)
POSTED ON: Saturday, August 20, 2011 @ Saturday, August 20, 2011 | 0 comments tajokk post cm tuhh plak?
erm.mse sye fom 4,ckgu bm sye kte
fom4 maseh knk-knk remaja.oh yeah !
uke,saat REMAJA stat mcm ny,
ny idop aku la.kowng xtaw la.
bwu knal ape 2 remja.maseh bdk yg xmtg.HAHA *mengaku.jujo ou.huu.1st tyme msok ostel.em rse cm nk melelh je tiap bjet kuat.*nges bwh selimut.tok 1 ary jee.xlme pn.hee.x col mak tok 1 mnggu kot.gile kn.bkn ape....rmi gle rebut publik nk rebot nk berato.pas2 slalu kne bebel nan kkq diam jee mmendam rse,dlm haty?tahh la.hee *jgn mara yepp.stil bodo2 lagy.wt majal tnpe sengaje,then kne mara lagy.huu.patu sedey xbuat lagy.tercae psl nan sinior,tp wt xreti n xrse besala pn*MLS NK PK.
hua!zmn pk bgoss.rse dri da maklum da sinior siket.bjet r kn.upper fom pnye sinior asyek mara kitowng.kte2 downg "BRU SETHN JGUNG..........bla bla" ape tah lagy.bia la.fom yg pleng rse nk wt kn :)mcm2 da xnk ngaku wt.ilek la konn2.
zamn pleng seronok.penoh nan fun fun.zaman kegataln?oh my!pd aku....x aku da stat awl.fom 2 da stat.HAHA.bodo2.zmn cinta monyet.hee.bia la kn.PMR mari tp.bole lgy nk seronk2.pnteng klas kh.pgy beli mknn.mkn2 lagy.yg xley bla pegy kentin tros r.lepak2.rse da besa sgt da ny.DUNIA ANA YG PENYE,bodo2 jepp kn.zmn semuanye berubah wuu~~
huu.HONEYMOON pleng bes.kje xpna nk wt.dok goyg kaki.tydo lam kls.taon pleng byk yg bla.sedey meyh.zamn jaat la nk blaja.nk enjoy aje.RESULT; terok! tp aku kesa ape.heish terukk sgt meyh.pnteng2 klas,mkn :D pnteng prep jgn ckp la.huu.taon pleng bes.memekk mlm2 mcm antu .huu.seronok meyh.xpk ape da...
fom 5;
huish.bwu terhegeh2 nk struggel.SPM! gle lau x blaja.bwu dpt ksedarn.agk nyesal x blaja fom4.huu. *jgn contohi meyh!da bole pk elok cket.ta men r gdo2.meleleh2 mcm bdak kcikk bwu msokk tadika kn.emosy smkin stabil.xmcm fom 4 tuhh.heish.da matang cket la.cket la konn.then...ble tgk adek2 yg len..tpk. MCM NY LA AKU PNA WT DULU2 kn.sumpa rse bodo2 haha :)
p/s;aku x ckp spe2.aku ckp aku sndry.jgn nk terase,terase naseb kau la.spe soh.
em.kowng akn rse gak in the end t :)
POSTED ON: Friday, August 19, 2011 @ Friday, August 19, 2011 | 0 comments
haluu.huu.maaf gne bahse sanskritt.
ta phm?
erm...mksod dy happy bday la.
nk wish kt bdk 2 eko ny.
today bday downg.
em.da besa pn kowng.tujobelas kott.
hee.:) seronok ny taon bday lan pose?
btw.gudluc trial n spm mokk
kowng ebad2 msty bole.hee
pape u hav nice day!
daddy adha :P
makcik dalila :)
p/s.epy cwit 7teen makcik2
POSTED ON: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 @ Tuesday, August 16, 2011 | 0 comments
haluu.haha.act hary ny hary larangan on9.
aku?cuik2 ny.hukk
*cm kt ostel plak.mencii la.wateber.
abah xde.wat majal cket2 la kn.
ttbe rse nk update.
heyy kaw,hilang tnpe berite?hmm.
seronok meyh.yela.up 2 u la :)
kau nyy.mcm langau nk mintak pnyepak.
asl nk pkse2 plak.
ko pk aku suke :)haha.
TAK SUKA lahu.lolzz.
coe la tade ruang tokk kau la nokk.
dy 2 nk cmpk mne.*lam haty jee.hua!!!
p/s;bla.bla.bla.tanak pan la kau.merajok la.mmpus xlyn -____-
POSTED ON: Sunday, August 14, 2011 @ Sunday, August 14, 2011 | 0 comments
pose x ny?aku pose maceh :)
tercgt pnt g shoping.sobbsss
KAKI melecet.sket gile wokk.
hapuihh.tape.aku kuat2.heee
thnkx tokk husna sakinah n gak adek daniel
*sye admire mate awak la adek danny:)
hukk.coe la again aku ajk kau tmn aku.hee
xseronok?soe bes taw kua na kau.SUKA :)
adek danny pn coe.pnt yepp.
t lau itew kua sme2 lagy akq bli en angry burung tuhh.janjy.
t jge taw bju 2 hee,
tok kau makcik :),thnkx cgt2 tmn aku,
jge baek purse 2.huhu.t kte kua agy taw!
k r.meh tgk pic meh!
cmey x adek danny :)*aku tdong selebet.abaikn
makcik kepenatan!
adek daniel pileh kn :) thnkx
p/s; pas SPM kua lagy jum
POSTED ON: @ Sunday, August 14, 2011 | 0 comments
huittt.yg dpn skali tuhh,
cikk zahirah hamizah.
happy CWIT 7teen la.
kau da tue.*aku blom.
nk kek taw!hee.
p/s: SMILE on ur HAPPY day yaw!
ecsape? or FACE IT?
POSTED ON: Saturday, August 13, 2011 @ Saturday, August 13, 2011 | 0 comments
In medicine, hematuria, or haematuria, is the presence of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the urine. It may be idiopathic and/or benign, or it can be a sign that there is a kidney stone or a tumor in the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, prostate, and urethra), ranging from trivial to lethal. If white blood cells are found in addition to red blood cells, then it is a signal of urinary tract infection.
Occasionally "hemoglobinuria" is used synonymously, although more precisely it refers only to hemoglobin in the urine.
Systemic lupus erythematosus often abbreviated toSLE or lupus, is a systemic autoimmune disease (or autoimmune connective tissue disease) that can affect any part of the body. As occurs in other autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks the body's cells and tissue, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage.It is a Type III hypersensitivity reaction caused by antibody-immune complex formation.
SLE most often harms the heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. The course of the disease is unpredictable, with periods of illness (called flares) alternating with remissions. The disease occurs nine times more often in women than in men, especially in women in child-bearing years ages 15 to 35, and is also more common in those of non-European descent.
SLE is treatable using immunosuppression, mainly with cyclophosphamide, corticosteroids and other immunosuppressants; there is currently no cure. SLE can be fatal, although with recent medical advances, fatalities are becoming increasingly rare. Survival for people with SLE in the United States, Canada, and Europe has risen to approximately 95% at five years, 90% at 10 years, and 78% at 20 years, and now approaches that of matched controls without lupus.
p/s; is it IN BLOOD?
HATE it, but LOVE YOU alot!
POSTED ON: @ Saturday, August 13, 2011 | 0 comments
even,i hate it when....
u told me 2do evrything that i dont wanna do.
u always argue with me.
in certain time u TALK SHITs bout me.
u told me to do HOUSE things
said it OUT LOUD to stop playing guitar.
remain me im already 17,even i already knows
talks about the same things evryday.
u told to stop playing around.
u told me,i will never get chance ride MOTOCYCLE.
u told me not 2go HERE n THERE.
telling that im GETTING FAT.haha!
telling me,somtimes IM a BLACK SHEEP
but.ALL the these SHIT gone..
in afew minutes..
because, DEEP in my HEART.
i knew,i realy DO knew..that....
more than you knows.
p/s; keep this in HEART :)
supeRBPP hot ;)
POSTED ON: Friday, August 12, 2011 @ Friday, August 12, 2011 | 0 comments
owg tol2 pnas.rse cam kne pngang.
oh saba.HELL lagy pns.
ckp psl pns ttbe teringat sumtin.lolz
rmi gle ckp aku da itam bpk -.- uke...
aku taw aku xputeh!wuuu~
tape la.itam manis wat.*pn klu yg asli.
yg cbb BURN? haha.redha je la kn.
uke.ttop psl itam.
td wt cerie2 klas gituuu.hua!
tokk merdeka pnye :D
hee.ta mnyempt nk bli bndere maaf.nex wek jnji bwk!
hee.kje aku bebel aje kje.pnjat kusi?hobi meyh.
kte pn berukk kn?
blek2 kne heret g somwere nan ibu.
maty wa.atoi.
BALEK UMA.melepet mcm sutong r.
then,SEKARANG ny.
p/s;nk skype nan cpe ea.bosn....
POSTED ON: @ Friday, August 12, 2011 | 0 comments
saya sayang
LION KING saya :)
p/s; jgn ske2 kaco dy.HAHA :D
cbb t dy mengaum kang.huish.
POSTED ON: Saturday, August 6, 2011 @ Saturday, August 06, 2011 | 0 comments
dri pagy til ptg.
shoping aje kje.huish!
sumpa pnt gile.da la pose.
em.ibu aku la yg ngajak.
mls2 la gakk.
in the end.ikot gakk.
cae ap?baju raye.
alahai awl lagy.
em lntak la.lyn jep
tema taom ny ijau.emmm.
xske pn beli je la
taon ny....em.HAHA!ladies,aw2!
em.8 8 ade xam.
xsda agy,bole agy bejaln2. da pndai agk
p/s; pnt dan lapa.oh! tydo!
POSTED ON: @ Saturday, August 06, 2011 | 0 comments
bergelak tawa bersme
cikk puteri cheng,
heish! dae pagy smpi balekk.
then blek kne g mydin.
er.aku xnk g pn.tpakse
bgon2.mate mke tinge MERAH
cm kne tampo bjuta2 kali
fyne.rupenye nk dmm.lolzzzzz
err.then nothin.
spechless -.- ox buntuu.
to you;
muke yg hepi org bole nmpk.
tp.haty yg merane?ade cpe bole nmpk?
p/s; uke fine,epy bady meyh.lima lapan.
ly :P
POSTED ON: Monday, August 1, 2011 @ Monday, August 01, 2011 | 0 comments
pnt mengedit blog.hua!
tao la ta selawa blog anda :)
tapi tape.
BUAT sndry taw!
P/s; 1st pose.ta PENAT pn :P
POSTED ON: @ Monday, August 01, 2011 | 0 comments
cikk garpu!
thnkx tokk ary ny :P
ta mara pn
p/s; bergelak tawa,mliht dy MENGEREKOT.haha!