ADDmath pluss physic
POSTED ON: Thursday, November 24, 2011 @ Thursday, November 24, 2011 | 0 comments
haluuuu peeeepsss.
due sabjek yg boleh mmbuno.*uke hiperbola.
myb bole.spe yg xtahan stress,then trjun bagunan.
uke,aku mseh kuat iman and xkn buat pekare yg sebegitu la kan.
hee.aku bru abes mnjalani 2 paper ny.
perghh.2 ary non stop aku stadi.sgt larr xpenah aku buat cm 2.
aha!aku kn mmg mls sket.hee~
mmg rse nk pengsan je abes paper2 ni.
alahai selase and rabu ade due lagy paper yg mmbuno.
oh yeah! biologi dan chemistry.
maty aku.cuti 4 hari kne stady.walopn mls.
add math frust la jgak sbb ats kesengalan diri.
aku bole tinggal 1 soalan yg mmpunyai a1 a2 b1 b2.
yg sume soklan 2 aku bole knape aku bole tertinggal?why?
adey.sedey thap bangau ni.
physic pule paper3 section B sgt aku taram :D
like yeah.experiment sendiri.
so, skang aku mls nk pike,
tinggal 3 subjek lagi nk abes SPM.
oh?nk abes da?yay!
aku dah nk msok 18 taon dah.tue LOLZ.
then,dpt soaln seni paper2.
*bukak2.oh?sgt la senang dye bagy soalan.
xbole lagi senang ke?mak aii.
lagi satu nk kne practis colour.sbb soalan dy susa.wekss,
uke.hmm.change the subject.
aha.cmne la td aku ley mndapat kekuatan nk
tnye dye soklan yg mcm 2, *ttop mke malu.
sumpa la.didnt xpect kau akn jwb mcm 2.
like...aku sgt sgt sgt terharu~
wuu~tah la.if i knw from the start.
bnde xkn jdy cmni kn.myb
u and me are not meant for each other.
in future lau blaku ape yg kau ckp 2.
alhamdullilah la kn :D
but for now, IM NOT SINGLE.
sorry.myb aku stil syg kau.
tp.dy tetap dah ade dalam hidop aku.
myb someday ur wish will come true.who knows?
p/s: wuu~ kau tetap the best person i ever LOVE.ahaks.
*bak kate abg aku;cinta monyet ngan true love itu sgt beze yer.
TRUE love you can feel it.wekss *jiwang,muntah setaon